Dear Sisters In The Lord:
“O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me”. Psalm 45:2b
I love calling you my sisters in the Lord! Gives me a euphoric feeling that I have like-minded women in my life!! It’s amazing how one can become so lonely in this digital age. We can connect so quickly with any who has a cell phone. And if you ask most people they will say they have several hundreds of friends on Facebook. Yet loneliness is one of the main causes for teenagers becoming depressed or even suicidal. Adults spend millions on antidepressants.
How sweeter and calmer life would be if we all truly believed the scripture above. Friends will come and go and family members leave; but the Lord says He will not forget us. He is permanent. In fact, the rest of Isaiah 43, God reminds us He has redeemed us, He will protect us through the water, rivers and fires. He is our Savior; we are precious in His sight. He loves and honors us! I get such comfort out of Isaiah 43. Just to be reminded of how much God finds me worthy.
Now that I am going thru chemo treatments I find those feelings of loneliness creeping in. I went from being with 20 women once a week, learning about the Lord together, to no one. Some times I can close my eyes and hear and visualize all the chatter and laughter. I miss that!
So what can I do to conquer this loneliness? God’s Word is so full of wisdom. In Psalm 41:1-3 says, “How blessed is he who considers the helpless, the Lord will deliver her in a day of trouble. Here is His advice - help someone less fortunate than you and you won’t dwell on your loneliness. You will see the purpose for your life.
Let’s get out there and help the helpless! We are loved by God.
In His Name,
PS. Just a reminder:
Our Hearts to Pray steak dinner celebration is Tuesday evening August 6th @ 6:30pm at Karen Stangel’s home in Haleiwa. Hope you can join us and share the great things God is doing in your life. Please let us know if you are coming so we can plan for you….