“Therefore, He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses His chosen one stood

before Him in the breach, to turn away His wrath, lest He destroy them.” Psalm 106:23

Aloha Girls!

It amazes me that our Loving, Almighty, Powerful, Wise and Sovereign God, chooses to use everyday people to accomplish His purposes. At times, I have wondered, why doesn’t He just get the job done without us? It would be waay easier, cleaner and quicker, too! That statement reminds me of times past, when each of my grandkids were little. I would invite them to help me bake cookies. What a mess was made! Flour everywhere possible. Unwanted egg shells in the bowl. Too many sprinkles… You get the picture. But what joy there was in that mess! I was experiencing intimacy + relationship with each of my grandkids. At first, the mess was a distraction for me, but quickly and thankfully, I realized how unimportant that was and the connection that was created with them was gold. 

In the same way, God chooses to use our lives to deepen our relationship with Him. Sure, He could get the job done without us, but where’s the fun in that? That’s not His plan. I Cor. 1: 26-29 is all about God choosing the weak, foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He uses our flawed lives to accomplish His will. Part of our responsibility as Christians who love the Lord is to intercede for others by standing in the gap/breach for them in prayer. Esther stood in the gap with prayer and fasting for her people, saving them from certain death by those who wanted them destroyed. Her intercession on behalf of her people brought forth a different outcome: life, not death. Prayer can change things

The verse above from Psalm 106:23, was in my reading plan in my devotions a few weeks ago. It really was highlighted on my heart. I read that Moses begged God, standing in the breach, not to destroy the Hebrew people when they had worshipped the golden calf. God was planning on destroying them. He told Moses He would wipe them out and make a nation from Moses instead. I would have responded – “Yes, just do it Lord! These people are a complaining, rebellious, ungrateful bunch.” But Moses didn’t respond that way. He stood in the gap and prayed for the rebel people, in order to turn away God’s anger, so that they were spared. Life, not death. Prayer can change things!

Sooooo thankful for the truth of God’s Word from Heb. 7:25; that Jesus stood in the gap for us and now lives to make intercession for you and me. Simply amazing that Jesus is praying for God’s will in our lives. And you and I have the privilege of interceding on behalf of our families, friends, the gals on this prayer list, and those who don’t yet know Jesus. Let’s follow the example of Moses and Esther and stand in the gap on behalf of our nation and others. We can cry out to God, to deliver, just like they did in the days of Judges. I like this prayer from Habakkuk 3:2… “I have heard all about You Lord. I am filled with awe by Your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as You did in years gone by. And in Your wrath remember mercy,” Prayer can change things!

God bless you, Karen