Aloha Gals,

If someone asked you to tell the story of Jesus, where would you begin? I think most people would start at the manger. And if not the manger, maybe when Gabriel entered the scene and announced to Mary that she would become pregnant with the son of God. I mean all of the Christmas pageants start there, right? 

What if I told you that Jesus’ story started long before Bethlehem. I personally like to hear the whole story, not just the highlights, when someone is sharing a story to me. So, if I were coordinating a Christmas pageant we’d have to start way back in the Garden of Eden, right after Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent and God was giving them their punishments. Which means if your child only plays a shepherd in the nativity scene you’re in for a long night. In Genesis 3:15 it is written “And I will put enmity between you and the women and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel”. That’s Jesus, Jesus is the head crusher. When he died on the cross and rose again he crushed the head of Satan. While Satan did bruise his heel, Jesus is ultimately victorious. This is the first prophesy recorded out of at least 324 that Jesus fulfilled.

All along the way through the Bible Jesus’ inevitable entrance is being woven through the narrative. If you participated in the women’s ministry Fall Bible study we learned more about 30 women of the Bible. Each of those women from Eve to Eunice play a big or small part in Jesus’ story. And the sweetest thing is, you are helping to tell the story of Jesus too. 

Your testimony is part of the sweetest story ever told. Of course, you can always use the 30 second version of your testimony… I was once this way, then I met Jesus, accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and now I’m saved from sin and death. And this is great for elevator encounters, but when we really look at the grand story, God has been in the details every step of the way. Every story has context and plot development, even yours. If we sit and listen to all the ways Jesus was wooing you to himself it would sound more like our long pageant. Starting way back when you were born, hitting all the rabbit trails and side quest stories along the way. And the best part is that not a single piece of your story was ever a waste. God is using every piece of it, even the hard, messy, gritty parts that you don’t understand how they could possibly be relevant to the plot.

While Jesus’ written story began in the Garden and a hit a high note at the resurrection, his sweet story is far from over. We await his enviable return with hopeful anticipation. I am thankful God has included you in his story. I pray you share your testimony with those around you. You never know, God could be using you in someone else’s story to draw them closer to him. 

Merry Christmas, Danielle