‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live ‘peaceful and quiet lives’ in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth,’
1 Tim.2:1-4.
Dear Women Who Pray,
This verse is a call to pray for all people and the thrust is specially to pray for those who are in authority. Before anything else, we are to urged to pray for our leaders! Paul used 4 different words for prayer with the intent to let us know the importance of praying all kinds of prayers for all kinds of people. People who are saved, and people who are not. Pray for people who are in leadership positions like our mayor, our governor, our president, our pastors. This verse brings great conviction to my heart. It’s easy to pray for people when you agree with them. But what happens when you don’t agree or think they aren’t doing a good job? I usually find myself murmuring and complaining, rather than bringing my petition to the Lord. Forgive me, Lord…
We are exhorted to pray. Prayer moves the hand of heaven. The reasoning behind our praying for those in leadership positions: we want good government that allows us to live “peaceful and quiet lives” which ultimately gives us freedom to share Jesus with others. The goal is salvation. To let Christ be known. And as daughters of a heavenly Kingdom, we can pray for our leaders and we can also let our voice be heard by voting.
Faith, family, and freedom are under attack. Through the political process, we have a voice in helping to choose which candidates and policies we believe are best for the good of our nation and are honoring to God.
Below is a handout we received at the Pray, Vote, Stand, conference we attended in D.C. It’s a resource to help us pray for the upcoming elections:
Pray for Christians to be equipped to vote their values: Matt. 5:13-16
Pray for wisdom for Pastors and Church leaders: Phil. 1:9-11
Pray that God would give us godly leaders: Prov. 29:2
Pray for a spirit of peace: Ro. 12:17-18
Pray for truth in the media: Prov. 4:24
Pray for transparency and that corruption would be exposed: Prov. 10:9
Pray for vigilance on the part of election officials: Psalm 106:3
Pray for accuracy as the votes are counted: Prov. 11:1
I like what Greg Laurie said; “The future of our country will not be decided by the ballot box, but in the prayer closet. So, let’s pray earnestly + vote biblically. Your vote matters!”
Awaiting His return, Karen