Jesus, the Sweetest Story Ever Told

Jesus, the Sweetest Story Ever Told

Aloha Gals,

If someone asked you to tell the story of Jesus, where would you begin? I think most people would start at the manger. And if not the manger, maybe when Gabriel entered the scene and announced to Mary that she would become pregnant with the son of God. I mean all of the Christmas pageants start there, right? 

What if I told you that Jesus’ story started long before Bethlehem. I personally like to hear the whole story, not just the highlights, when someone is sharing a story to me. So, if I were coordinating a Christmas pageant we’d have to start way back in the Garden of Eden, right after Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent and God was giving them their punishments. Which means if your child only plays a shepherd in the nativity scene you’re in for a long night. In Genesis 3:15 it is written “And I will put enmity between you and the women and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel”. That’s Jesus, Jesus is the head crusher. When he died on the cross and rose again he crushed the head of Satan. While Satan did bruise his heel, Jesus is ultimately victorious. This is the first prophesy recorded out of at least 324 that Jesus fulfilled.

All along the way through the Bible Jesus’ inevitable entrance is being woven through the narrative. If you participated in the women’s ministry Fall Bible study we learned more about 30 women of the Bible. Each of those women from Eve to Eunice play a big or small part in Jesus’ story. And the sweetest thing is, you are helping to tell the story of Jesus too. 

Your testimony is part of the sweetest story ever told. Of course, you can always use the 30 second version of your testimony… I was once this way, then I met Jesus, accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and now I’m saved from sin and death. And this is great for elevator encounters, but when we really look at the grand story, God has been in the details every step of the way. Every story has context and plot development, even yours. If we sit and listen to all the ways Jesus was wooing you to himself it would sound more like our long pageant. Starting way back when you were born, hitting all the rabbit trails and side quest stories along the way. And the best part is that not a single piece of your story was ever a waste. God is using every piece of it, even the hard, messy, gritty parts that you don’t understand how they could possibly be relevant to the plot.

While Jesus’ written story began in the Garden and a hit a high note at the resurrection, his sweet story is far from over. We await his enviable return with hopeful anticipation. I am thankful God has included you in his story. I pray you share your testimony with those around you. You never know, God could be using you in someone else’s story to draw them closer to him. 

Merry Christmas, Danielle

Pray for Leaders in Government + Vote

Pray for Leaders in Government + Vote

‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live ‘peaceful and quiet lives’ in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth,’

1 Tim.2:1-4.

Dear Women Who Pray,

This verse is a call to pray for all people and the thrust is specially to pray for those who are in authority. Before anything else, we are to urged to pray for our leaders! Paul used 4 different words for prayer with the intent to let us know the importance of praying all kinds of prayers for all kinds of people. People who are saved, and people who are not. Pray for people who are in leadership positions like our mayor, our governor, our president, our pastors. This verse brings great conviction to my heart. It’s easy to pray for people when you agree with them. But what happens when you don’t agree or think they aren’t doing a good job? I usually find myself murmuring and complaining, rather than bringing my petition to the Lord. Forgive me, Lord…

We are exhorted to pray. Prayer moves the hand of heaven. The reasoning behind our praying for those in leadership positions: we want good government that allows us to live “peaceful and quiet lives” which ultimately gives us freedom to share Jesus with others. The goal is salvation. To let Christ be known. And as daughters of a heavenly Kingdom, we can pray for our leaders and we can also let our voice be heard by voting.

Faith, family, and freedom are under attack. Through the political process, we have a voice in helping to choose which candidates and policies we believe are best for the good of our nation and are honoring to God. 

Below is a handout we received at the Pray, Vote, Stand, conference we attended in D.C. It’s a resource to help us pray for the upcoming elections:

  • Pray for Christians to be equipped to vote their values: Matt. 5:13-16

  • Pray for wisdom for Pastors and Church leaders: Phil. 1:9-11

  • Pray that God would give us godly leaders: Prov. 29:2

  • Pray for a spirit of peace: Ro. 12:17-18

  • Pray for truth in the media: Prov. 4:24

  • Pray for transparency and that corruption would be exposed: Prov. 10:9

  • Pray for vigilance on the part of election officials: Psalm 106:3

  • Pray for accuracy as the votes are counted: Prov. 11:1

I like what Greg Laurie said; “The future of our country will not be decided by the ballot box, but in the prayer closet. So, let’s pray earnestly + vote biblically. Your vote matters!”

Awaiting His return, Karen

Dropping the Masks

Dropping the Masks

“And there is no creature hidden from His sight,  but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him to whom we must answer.” Hebrews 4:13

Sisters in Christ,

It’s finally the fall season, and the stores are filling up with pumpkins, fall foliage, and costumes galore!  I know my kiddos are so excited to choose what characters they’ll dress up as during all the fall festivities, and there’s a big chance we’ll have a few new masks to hide their true identities (though I’m hoping I can convince them to wear family costumes!). We can have such a fun time dressing up and being in character as our favorite superhero, but this picture of dressing up with masks and costumes makes me think of the less evident ways we hide our true selves to others, or even to the Lord.

Though we may not realize it, everyday we put on different costumes and masks.  How many times do I try to cover and hide my exhaustion with another cup of coffee?  How often do I attempt to disguise my worry or fear with a joke or sarcasm?  How many times do I conceal the hurts that are really on my heart instead of sharing my needs for healing and prayer? How hard am trying to hide that sin that I still struggle with? Dressing up and hiding behind a mask can be exhausting and spiritually draining, but God reminds us that even when we are running away and at our end, He is El Roi, the “God who sees me."

In chapter 4 of Hebrews, we see beautiful themes of Jesus’ excellence, gracious forgiveness, and loving Lordship. The God who sees is able to see through our masks and facades.  He not only sees through our costumes and hiding, but He also calls us into openness and complete surrender to His love and plan.  Verse 13 of Hebrews tells us “All things are open and laid bare” and that no one is “hidden from His sight”. Our God sees us in the good, the bad, and the ugly, even if we’re trying to hide it away. He wants us to trust Him with all of it, being truly seen and known by Him.

When we’re exhausted and drained, God has given Sabbath rest for his people (Heb 4:9).  When we’re stuck in a rut of hiding or complacency, God has given us His Word that cuts through the hardened soil of our hearts (Heb 4:12).  When we are in need, God draws us near through His grace and mercy (Heb 4:16).  We can be open and vulnerable before the Lord with every part of us, especially since He knows all of it anyway! I pray that we would take off our masks of self sufficiency and costumes of composure, so we can experience His answer of “Yes” and “Amen” (2 Cor 1:20).  

In His grace, Jaime Angel

The Answer Is On It's Way

The Answer Is On It's Way

“It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear,”

Isaiah 65:24.

Hey Girls!

Do you ever wonder if you are praying effectively for the ladies on your prayer list each month? I know I do, so I try to find a verse from God’s Word that I can pray for them. I realize that one way I can know specifically what to pray for is to simply call or text them and ask! My intentions are to do just that, but I don’t always follow through. Connecting with the gals you are praying for in some way, is the best way to know how to pray for specific requests. It always takes me by surprise when someone lets me know they are praying for me. It’s such a blessing. Also, according to this verse in Isaiah, God knows the heart of each person and He is listening to our prayers. AND even before we call out in prayer to Him, HE is listening in order to answer! He is more ready to hear than we are to pray! 

What a wonderful promise to claim when we are praying for the ladies on our prayer list, or whenever we pray! God is interested in your prayers because He is interested in you. In fact, Proverbs 15:8b says, “The prayer of the upright is His delight!” That means that our prayers are not boring or dull or even monotonous to Him – but they bring Him great joy and delight!

We would love you to join us for our ‘Hearts to Pray Celebration’ on Tuesday evening, September 10th @ 6:30pm.  Come and hear the great things the Lord is doing in our Hearts to Pray ministry. Edna Eller is going to be sharing how she keeps track of prayer requests and things she desires to pray for with a prayer vision board. Please invite gals that may like to hear about this ministry and decide to be a prayer warrior like you! The location is going to be at Kristine Brown’s beautiful beachfront home in Waialua. It’s a steak dinner that we will provide for you, so you need to RSVP so we can plan for you. You can let me or Kristine know and/or you can register at the women’s’ table at church, too. Hope to see you there!

Awaiting for His return, Karen

A Greater Grace

A Greater Grace

“But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud,but gives grace to the humble.’” James 4:6 (NASB)

Sisters in Christ,

  Here we are in August, summer is winding down and the calendar is heading towards a new academic year (and Christmas)!  Just over halfway through the year is a good time to take inventory of what has happened so far in 2024, it’s an opportunity to remember the Lord’s faithfulness in even just the last 7 months. I know with our family, God has already gotten us through the “zombie-days” of newborn life, and He’s continuing to strengthen us in the different trials of everyday life as we walk with Him. Of course it hasn’t been a perfect and easy last few months, and sometimes my walk with the Lord was more like a toddler being dragged through a store at nap time.

In James 4, we are confronted with our human nature, the quarreling and conflict starting, enviously murderous, selfishly motivated and coveting inner-toddler in all of us (James 4:1-3). Ok that might seem a little over the top, but if you’ve been around a toddler recently you know there’s some truth to that!  Toddlers want what they want, and usually it’s something that someone else has.  My nearly 2 year old loves anything that his brothers or baby sister is playing with and it quickly becomes “Mine!”.

The word “lust” in James 4:2 is epithymeō, the Greek word meaning “longing for”, “setting one’s heart upon” or “desiring”.  Whenever I find myself “setting my heart upon” things other than Jesus, that’s when my proud, inner-toddler comes up strong.  Many times that can even look like desiring good things, but for the wrong reasons (James 1:3). I think of the rich young ruler in Mark 10 and Luke 18 and how he desired eternal life.

Although this rich young ruler desired a good thing, he was puffed up and proud in his ability and pursuit of it.  He proudly declared that he had kept all of the commandments since his youth (though we know we aren’t saved through the law, Rom 3:20), but he would not humble himself of his desire for his riches in the world. His heart was set upon his riches, and in his pride he chose the things of this world over following the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

This month, I pray we remember that God gives us a greater grace.  He knows our hearts priorities and our desires inside and out, whether they are righteous or selfish. Yet in His abounding wisdom and grace, He desires that we humble ourselves and lay those desires at His feet.  I pray we would set our hearts upon Him as we take an inventory of 2024 thus far, and keep our hearts set on Him as we plan and prepare for the rest of this year He’s given us.  Let’s receive His greater grace this month and always! Also, join us for the orientation coffee for Mentoring on August 13th, 6pm at the K-room! What a great way to grow in our relationship with God and with others! 

Looking to Jesus, 

Jaime Angel

Pass It On

Pass It On

One generation will commend your works to another, they will tell of Your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

Aloha Girls!

I’ve been super excited about the theme/messages we have been hearing on Sunday mornings about discipleship/mentoring. And even more thrilled to hear that so many men and women, both young and old, at NSCF, have responded to the call of discipleship! It’s such an important and needful part of your Christian life. I have been a Christian for a very long time. I’ve had my share of joys and I’ve had my share of sadness. But one thing I’ve never had was a mentor! Don’t get me wrong; I’ve had many people in my life who have influenced me in the things of the Lord. I’ve had many great role models! I can’t say that I’ve ever had a mentor…

What I mean by a mentor, is a woman who is a bit further along in her walk with the Lord than me. A woman who would meet with me on a regular basis over a cup of coffee or an acai bowl, speaking into my life the things of God.

Women need Women; wouldn’t you agree? Haven’t you at one time or another wished that you had another woman who was more experienced than you, show you how to do something? Assure you everything was going to be OK? You know that’s scriptural! Titus 2:3&4 says the older women are to teach and train up the younger women in the ways of the Lord. There is always someone older and younger than you are no matter what age group you are in. My 18-year-old granddaughter Aria sees 40-somethings as really old! Crazy thought, isn’t it? That age group seems young to me☺. There are opportunities all around us to invest in relationships! 

I’m so happy about our upcoming Woman-to-Woman Friendship Ministry. Mentoring isn’t just another activity or program to squeeze into your already over crowded schedules. Mentoring is a relationship. It’s developing a friendship with another woman with the intent to sharpen each other in the Lord. If you call NSCF your home church, and you would like to experience the joy of using your life experiences to encourage and mentor another woman, OR, if you are seeking the support and friendship of a Christian mentor… 

We pray that you will join us for our upcoming Orientation coffee in August. Come and hear how you can become a participant in our Woman-to-Woman Mentoring Friendship Ministry. See how simple it is, to pass on your love for the Lord and impact others for Jesus. More details and dates coming. We are moving our Orientation Coffee to August and will shout out the dates soon and very soon. 

Blessings, Karen

Connecting the Dots in Prayer

Connecting the Dots in Prayer

“And we know that ‘all things’ work together for good to those who love God…” Romans 8:28

Aloha Girls!

I have always leaned hard on this amazing truth from God’s Word. The ‘all things’ in this verse means exactly that – ALL things that occur in your life. Because you are a daughter of the King of Kings, and you love Him, this Bible truth is for you to claim! God works all things together for good in your life. What I have learned over the years is the ‘good’ He is working together in my life, doesn’t always mean for my comfort. We tend to think that something is ‘good’ only when its connected with being comfortable and there’s no pain or suffering involved.

Have you ever been hesitant to pray for more patience in your life? I know I have! We can be concerned that God will send us more ‘problems and trials’ to grow our endurance - because you prayed for patience. We pray to be unselfish and then God gives us ‘opportunities’ to sacrifice ourselves by considering others as more important than yourself, or by ‘laying your life down’ for others. We pray for more love, and God sends you that ‘irregular person’ in order for you to ‘put-on His love’. We pray for strength, and God, ‘allows the enemy to harass’ us and causes you and I to put on the full armor of God in order to stand firm in the battle that’s raging. 

If you are anything like me, I don’t always connect the dots in my praying. I may be praying for one ‘thing’ and He sends me some-‘thing’ unexpected, yet it’s the very ‘thing’ I need in order to grow in my walk with the Lord. What’s your ‘thing’? Perhaps, you don’t like the way the Lord has answered your prayers. I pray that the reality of Romans 8:28 will become a firm foundation for you! Whatever your ‘thing’ may be - - God works ‘ALL things’ together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. May you continue to trust God with your ‘thing’. 

Trusting God in all things, Karen

Let My Strength Be Renewed

Let My Strength Be Renewed

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians‬ 6:9

Hey Girls! Let’s face it, we all get weary at one time or another! Life is full of things that make us weary. Weary means you’re tired and exhausted in strength. But, it’s more than just being tired! Weariness implies you’re tired to the point of losing heart. Your endurance is spent! You’re spent & discouraged enough to stop pushing forward. Your patience, your tolerance - even for things that once brought you pleasure - are now exhausting.

I remember the excitement and pleasure of being called ‘Mom’ – yet that same pleasure was short lived when your baby is constantly crying thru the night. Our son, Toby, was colicky until he was 4 months old. The exhaustion, the weariness can set in and cause you to lose heart. Maybe you don’t have a crying baby, but you have a stressful job. Or how about a strained relationship where there’s constant arguing? We can grow weary in well doing even while waiting for God’s promises to unfold in your life. Unmet expectations can take a toll on you and cause you to be discouraged and lose heart. 

‘Let My Strength Be Renewed’ was the theme for our women’s breakfast that was last week. It was a good time of fellowship and encouragement in God’s Word. I shared about a present-tense trial in my life. I realized that I had begun traveling down a ‘weary road’ of thinking regarding some health issues I have. I’m aware the enemy is trying to bait me to be discouraged and pressed down with it all…

I consider myself a healthy person! Yet, in the last 18 years, I’ve been diagnosed with many difficult issues. In 2009, as a result of a car accident, I was told I have Fibromyalgia, an Anxiety Disorder, which led to PTSD for over 2 years. That trial went on for years, but I saw the faithfulness of the Lord thru it all. Add Proctitis, Melanoma, removed from my shoulder, and Dupuytren Contracture to the list. 5 years ago, I was told I have Bronchiectasis, a lung condition, where I have a build-up of mucus that only gets worse. At 71 years old, I started my Period again and was wondering if I could get pregnant! LOL! Besides all that, I have a Mycobacterium living in my lungs, that’s been there for years! Last month I was told it’s “not so dormant” which led me to get a CT scan. The bad/good news is they discovered a nodule on my left breast which led to mamos, ultrasounds, biopsies and ‘Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, the earliest form of breast cancer, stage 0, it hasn’t spread. 

Needless to say, I am weary and discouraged with more difficult health issues piled on my plate! This is a PRESENT TENSE trial in my life. But I didn’t share this so you’d feel sorry for me, or to gain your sympathy!

My guess is you have things in your life that have caused you to lose heart and be discouraged. I’ve been encouraged by Apostle Paul’s mindset with his health issues + extremely difficult circumstances. He had a thorn in his flesh that tormented him daily. When he asked for it to be removed, God’s response was His grace is sufficient. God’s power was made perfect in weakness. Paul’s response wasn’t to lose heart. Listen to his response…. “I’m glad to boast about my weaknesses, (my lack of strength) so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why take pleasure in my weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak (without strength) then I am strong!”How could Paul respond like that? He wanted to experience God’s dynamite strength, so he needed to be weak!

Weakness is God’s greatest platform in your life! The hardships He allows aren’t meant to hinder your life and make you miserable! Sure, seems like it at times! I’d like to give you a different perspective of your weakness, disappointments and struggles of any kind. When you can’t handle it anymore. It’s an invitation… to encounter the grace of God. It’s a reminder of your dependence upon the One who is greater than yourself! When your strength, your endurance has come to the end, that’s a GOOD THING! The end of self - - and the beginning of God’s strength being perfected in you. I can look differently at my Breast Cancer prognosis, and thank Him for protecting me from being self-sufficient and more dependent upon Him.

Maybe you’ve been going thru difficult hard times and are ready to toss in the towel and call it quits. Don’t give up!! Why?You will reap a harvest in due season if you don’t quit. 1). Let your strength be renewed in Lord; Go to the One who doesn’t grow weary nor get tired! Isaiah 40:31, “They that wait on Lord shall renew their strength/mount up wings like eagles.” 2.) Don’t walk alone; Christian community helps us hope in Christ. I SO value my Christian friendships that point me to Jesus! Find ways to connect with others to walk alongside of you to pray, and to encourage you in your faith. 

Strengthen by His grace, Karen

Choose JOY

Choose JOY

“…For the JOY set before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame,  and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. “ Hebrews 12:2

Dear Women who Pray,

JOY! We just celebrated Easter. Yet, the beauty and message of Easter can be lived out each day! What the Father sent Jesus into the world to accomplish on the cross had been fulfilled! In the cross, we see victory over sin, Satan, and death. What JOY that brings each day knowing that we can have victory over these same things (sin, Satan, death), because of Jesus and our relationship with Him.

But at the time…. it didn’t look like victory in the eyes of those who were watching! Where was the JOY back then? The mother of Jesus was standing by the cross close enough to hear the words He spoke! I can’t imagine the pain and anguish she felt for her Son as she watched Him suffer on the cross that day. I wonder if she remembered the prophecy spoken to her by Simeon, many years back, when Jesus was a baby. He told her that a sword would pierce through her own soul (Luke 2:25). She would find her heart pierced to the core by what would happen to her Son. Although Mary was highly blessed being the mother of Jesus, her JOY was mixed with much sorrow…but we know the end of His~ story through His death… He brought forth life! 

Life in Jesus brings great JOY, not only to us, but it also brings JOY and delight to God’s heart, too! In Matt. 13:44 we see that for JOY over the treasure in the field, he went and sold all he had in order to buy the field. The field represents the world; the treasure is you and me! Isn’t it incredible to think that Jesus was thinking of you and me as the treasure or the prize He would receive by enduring the cross? His motivation was the JOY of being with you & me in eternity…His incentive and His prize was the treasure in the field that brought Him much JOY!

THINK ABOUT IT: If you were to receive a treasure chest full of diamonds and rubies, plus expensive stones, wouldn’t you be full of JOY? I sure would be! In the same way, God sees how valuable we are and views us as His treasure. He takes great JOY in our relationship with Him! Reflecting on that fact alone can help change a poor self-image you may have of yourself from negative to positive. It’s important to see yourself as Christ sees you!

Perhaps you can relate to Mary’s feelings of JOY mixed with sorrow at this time in your life. If you are a Mom, you know the highs and lows of being a parent. I read somewhere this saying – “my house may not always be filled with laughter in the middle of the night, but if I trust God is with me, I will always have JOY in my heart.” What a great attitude. Joy isn’t a feeling that is dependent on our circumstances. I constantly have to remember to bring all of my pain, sorrow, questions and heartaches to the cross; there is victory there! It doesn’t make the pain go away, BUT at the cross I can find strength, hope, peace and life forever! You can, too!

In His presence is fullness of JOY ~ Psalm 16:11

God bless you, Karen

Rooted and Overflowing

Rooted and Overflowing

 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Col 2:6-7

Sisters in Christ,

Do you remember when you first gave your heart to the Lord? Remember that first time you realized how much your heart ached for the only One who could satisfy your every desire and you trusted Him to be the King of your life?  I remember both being excited and yet slightly terrified, full of hope and faith that this Jesus was going to change my heart and my world. It’s like falling in love, when you’re able to just walk in boldness and surety of the love you have and someone else has for you.

At what point do we start to get comfortable in our love relationship with the Lord?  Just like in a relationship we can maybe get complacent in our interactions or time spent with friends or loved ones, how do we know if we’ve been complacent in our continued relationship with the Lord of our life?  In Colossians 2:6 we are reminded to continue to live our lives in Christ Jesus, just as we received Him. We can keep our excitement and foundation in Jesus, especially as we stay “rooted and built up in Him”. When we delight and remain dwelling in God’s word, we are rooted and built up like the tree planted near streams of water in Psalm 1:2-3. This tree yields its fruit in season, doesn’t get withered or dried out, and prospers in all it does. 

To continue to live our lives in Him, we are also called to “be strengthened in the faith as you were taught”. We need to work out our faith muscles and be strengthened as we trust in His leading and provision for our lives, but that also comes through being “taught” to be increasing in faith. Do we have brothers and sisters that encourage us to strengthen our faith, or do we ever reach out to others for their hearts to be spurred on in their faith workouts? It says in Matthew 17:20 that even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, but what if we allowed God to grow that mustard seed into a full blown tree of faith that increases to thousands more mustard seeds of faith! 

We can overflow with thankfulness when we live our lives in Him this way because we see that He alone is our steady foundation and the streams of living water by which we are nourished, strengthened, rooted and built up. When we keep our hearts and lives grounded in Jesus, our overflowing gratitude will be evident and increase our joy and faith because we remember receiving the Lord’s love from the beginning. Let’s pray for our sisters this month to be strengthened in their faith, to be rooted and built up in Christ, and to be overflowing with thankfulness so that they would continue to live lives in Him!

Looking to Jesus, 

Jaime Angel

Valentine’s Calvary Love

Valentine’s Calvary Love

“How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”

Ephesians 3:18

Aloha Girls!

It’s that time of the month when love is in the air. This is the month when thoughts turn to love around Valentine’s day. A day to spread heartfelt messages of love.

“I love you to the moon and back!” Have you ever said those words to someone you love? Or maybe you’ve heard someone else say them. Your heart is trying to put into words the depth and intensity of your love. After all, the moon is over 238,000 miles away from the earth! That’s expressing a lot of heart-felt love!

Not sure how this tradition started. Symbols of love inscribed on the most beautifully decorated cards that come in all shapes and sizes. The cards can be handmade or store bought - the intent is the same. They are wonderful expressions of love and affection with cards, chocolates, roses, balloons, jewelry, candle-lite-dinners, to name a few. 

YET, none of these ways can even come close to the most beautiful, the greatest expression of love that has been recorded in history for everyone! It’s found in the Gospel of John at Calvary; “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life,” John 3:16. It’s a good time to remember that Jesus loves you. He wants to be your Valentine. He loves you so much He left His home in heaven, in order to come to Earth for you. When you see the hearts and symbols of love this month, can I encourage you to remember the greatest love ever - Jesus Calvary love. God’s love is infinite and you can times His love by forever + forever! You can never come to the end of His love for you. May you enjoy the boundless measure of God’s perfect love for you. 

Blessings, Karen

New Year, Same God

New Year, Same God

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8

Sisters in Christ,

A new year is upon us, and though we may have big plans for it, we really have no idea what may come our way in 2024!  The Bible says, “a man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9, NKJV). I remember back when 2020 began, we all had our sights set on a year of 20/20 vision and taking forward steps to our best year yet.  So many times, we have hearts full of plans for the future, but how often do we reset our hearts to God’s plan for our futures?

Of course we want God’s best for our lives, or at least we do in theory.  I’ve got to be honest though that I usually have my plans mapped out and prayerfully ask God to bless them into fruition.  As a checklist-making, schedule-following mama, it’s so convenient for me to want what I think is best, and sometimes I can even try to convince myself those things I want must be God’s plans for me.  I love David’s prayer in Psalm 139:23-24 that says: 

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if

there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.”

David was a man after God’s own heart, and as such he constantly asked God to redirect his heart to the Lord’s way.  A way that is everlasting and good, a way that endures and is led by the God who has always been and will always be.  King David knew how fickle, anxious, and wicked his heart could get, so he chose to seek God and ask for His trying and the redirecting of his heart.

The seasons, trials, and even values of this world change so quickly from year to year and even day to day.  It can almost feel like whiplash to witness the trends and headlines bounce back and forth to what is right or wrong, currently in or out.  But through all the inconsistency of this world, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is still the same God He has always been.  The God of creation, the Alpha and Omega, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Almighty and Everlasting God, the One who Sees, the Lord of Hosts is unchanging and ever present in times of need. “He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable” (Isaiah 40:28).

May we pray Psalm 25:4-5 over our sisters this month and this year: “Make me to know Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day long.” Be blessed in His ways this year and always!

In His grace,

Jaime Angel