Boracay, Philippines
Steve & Herlyn White
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20)
The ministry on Boracay and Panay in the Philippines is led by NSCF missionaries Steve & Herlyn White. The scope of the ministry includes a number of feeding sites, two schools, a pastoral training program, a construction ministry, and a support program for indigenous college students.
In 2007, Calvary Chapel Santa Ana missionaries Dan and Tori Beaver who had been serving in the Philippines for twenty plus years, received a vision from the Lord to build a ministry center on the island of Boracay. This ministry center would serve pastors and church leaders from the surrounding region who did not have the means to travel to Manila for a formal seminary education. The ministry would house them, feed them, and fly in the professors from Manila to do 2 ½ days of training each month. The attendees would only need to pay their travel expense to Boracay, which for most, was a bus and boat ride to the island. After ten months, the attendees would receive a certificate, and after four years, an equivalent to a seminary degree.
The ministry on Boracay and Panay in the Philippines is led by NSCF missionaries Steve & Herlyn White. The scope of the ministry includes a number of feeding sites, two schools, a pastoral training program, a construction ministry, and a support program for indigenous college students.
In 2007, Calvary Chapel Santa Ana missionaries Dan and Tori Beaver who had been serving in the Philippines for twenty plus years, received a vision from the Lord to build a ministry center on the island of Boracay. This ministry center would serve pastors and church leaders from the surrounding region who did not have the means to travel to Manila for a formal seminary education. The ministry would house them, feed them, and fly in the professors from Manila to do 2 ½ days of training each month. The attendees would only need to pay their travel expense to Boracay, which for most, was a bus and boat ride to the island. After ten months, the attendees would receive a certificate, and after four years, an equivalent to a seminary degree.

Being led by the Holy Spirit, Dan and Tori send a letter out to 500 churches sharing this vision. Only one church responded and that was NSCF. In 2008, NSCF sent three couples to Boracay for an exploratory mission, a Joshua and Caleb team. Upon their return, it was clearly evident that God was at work in this area of the Philippines and so began an annual trek to Boracay with construction teams from NSCF.
As the construction progressed, a school was birthed from the ministry center (Proverbs 22:6) which served the local community and included a student population of Muslim children. God began to grow this ministry in just a few short years. Feeding programs in the island villages also began to be supported by NSCF.
During one of NSCF’s visits in 2009, a few team members learned about a tribe of indigenous Filipinos called the Ati, living on the adjacent island of Panay and planned a visit to their village the next day. Upon seeing the impoverished people, the team leaders requested additional support for feeding programs to begin immediately. (Matthew 25:45)
The following year, the NSCF team longed to go back and visit the Ati and witnessed firsthand the discrimination being practiced against the Ati in a public school. The few Ati children who attended the school sat in the back of the classroom and did not have any books or assignments. The team began praying that God would raise up a school exclusively for the Ati and a few months later, God blessed the Ati with a piece of land to build a school in the midst of their community and another school was born.
Currently, the overall ministry has grown significantly with a total school population close to 500 students and staff between the two schools. In addition to the schools and the pastoral ministry, there is a construction ministry, the feeding ministry, and a college ministry for the Ati being loved on through the efforts of NSCF.
In 2018, former NSCF board member Steve White who was a widower at the time, accepted the call to serve in the ministry long term. In 2019, he married Herlyn, who had been leading the feeding ministry on Boracay for a number of years prior. Today, Steve is the director of ministry for Boracay and Panay under the umbrella of First Love International. He and Herlyn, along with their daughter, lead a ministry that today covers nearly 900 people.
What began as a vision not so long ago has become a fruitful ministry with the love and support of NSCF. Please continue to pray for the Lord to cover our missionaries and the people they care for there on Boracay and Panay. To God be the glory!
“Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38
If you would like more information on the ministry, you may reach Steve at
As the construction progressed, a school was birthed from the ministry center (Proverbs 22:6) which served the local community and included a student population of Muslim children. God began to grow this ministry in just a few short years. Feeding programs in the island villages also began to be supported by NSCF.
During one of NSCF’s visits in 2009, a few team members learned about a tribe of indigenous Filipinos called the Ati, living on the adjacent island of Panay and planned a visit to their village the next day. Upon seeing the impoverished people, the team leaders requested additional support for feeding programs to begin immediately. (Matthew 25:45)
The following year, the NSCF team longed to go back and visit the Ati and witnessed firsthand the discrimination being practiced against the Ati in a public school. The few Ati children who attended the school sat in the back of the classroom and did not have any books or assignments. The team began praying that God would raise up a school exclusively for the Ati and a few months later, God blessed the Ati with a piece of land to build a school in the midst of their community and another school was born.
Currently, the overall ministry has grown significantly with a total school population close to 500 students and staff between the two schools. In addition to the schools and the pastoral ministry, there is a construction ministry, the feeding ministry, and a college ministry for the Ati being loved on through the efforts of NSCF.
In 2018, former NSCF board member Steve White who was a widower at the time, accepted the call to serve in the ministry long term. In 2019, he married Herlyn, who had been leading the feeding ministry on Boracay for a number of years prior. Today, Steve is the director of ministry for Boracay and Panay under the umbrella of First Love International. He and Herlyn, along with their daughter, lead a ministry that today covers nearly 900 people.
What began as a vision not so long ago has become a fruitful ministry with the love and support of NSCF. Please continue to pray for the Lord to cover our missionaries and the people they care for there on Boracay and Panay. To God be the glory!
“Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38
If you would like more information on the ministry, you may reach Steve at
How to pray
For the salvation and discipleship of all those the ministry reaches
For spiritual and physical strength for the staff and teams coming to help serve
For funds to help sustain the ministry, and for the completion of the Ministry Center
For spiritual and physical strength for the staff and teams coming to help serve
For funds to help sustain the ministry, and for the completion of the Ministry Center